Bipolar Disorder
Vohra Neuropsychiatry Centre Healthcare specialise in online handling of Bipolar disorders, whose roots are usually linked to biochemical imbalance in the brain. Heredity and environmental stimuli are also responsible factors.
Bipolar disorder is a medical problem like hypertension or diabetes. In this disorder, the afflicted person experiences unusual shifts in mood from one extreme of depression to other extreme of elation, shift in energy or activity levels or suffer from inability to carry out day-to-day tasks. It can affect men and women equally. These "mood swings," can last for hours, days, weeks or months.
Our psychiatrists offer successful treatment for a wide variety of Bipolar disorders, thus helping people to lead full and productive lives. Vohra Neuropsychiatry Centre Healthcare online consultancy facility is available to patients from all parts of the world.
The early warning signs for bipolar disorder are slight changes in mood, sexual interest, memory, concentration, appetite, sleep patterns, sex drive, self-esteem, thoughts of death or those of sudden optimism. Additionally, one can suffer from anxiety, substance abuse, and health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, migraines, and high blood pressure.
Symptoms of bipolar disorder, when severe, can often result in ruptured relationships, poor performances at job or educational fronts. Suicides can happen in extreme cases. Therefore, time is of essence in treating such victims.
With early treatment, the possibility of excellent recovery and subsequently patient leading a normal life is very high. Among the treatment options available include medicines, counselling, family support, and psychosocial management.
The concerned patient must strictly follow the doctor’s advice and follow-up visits, take right medication dutifully, and make lifestyle modifications.
The malady of bipolar disorder can affect any one irrespective of cast, creed, religion or nationality. In our practice, we have had many world famous celebrities who suffer from bipolar disorder.
While medication is the mainstay of treatment, therapy and self-help strategies also play a role. One must exercise regularly, get enough sleep, eat right and monitor one’s moods.
Bipolar disorder usually begins in early adulthood, although it can sometimes start in early childhood, adolescence or as late as the 40s or 50s.
It has been found that the chances of having Bipolar Disorder are somewhat higher if one has a biological relative with the illness.
Four different kinds of mood episodes may occur - Mood Swings:
Manic Episode - This involves feeling high or irritable, having increased activity and heightened energy levels, having racing thoughts, increased creativity, being easily distracted, needing little sleep, having an inflated feeling of power or importance, or doing reckless things including spending more.
Hypomanic Episode: It is a milder form of mania having an elevated mood, yet with less severe symptoms and less impairment.
Major Depressive Episode: A persistent, pervasive pattern of feeling sad, losing interest in things one normally enjoys, lasting at least two weeks. This is associated with altered sleep patterns, lethargy, loss of energy, problems concentrating, decreased or increased appetite, feeling slowed down. Ideas of hopelessness, worthlessness and suicide may be associated depending on the severity of the episode.
Immediate professional help must be sought from a mental health expert in case of suspected illness.